Sustainable Design and Digital Innovation 

For the first time ever in New York, The Estonian Association of Designers brings the rich heritage and contemporary flair of Estonian design to the showcase ‘Upmade in Estonia’. Top design leaders from Estonia will attend and showcase the minimalist foundations and unique visual language that has propelled Estonia to the forefront of innovation. It is a possibility to learn about the unique blend of timeless tradition, bold modernity and innovative sustainability that defines the ethos of Estonian design!

This exclusive event is taking place for the first time in New York City during the NYCxDESIGN Festival, with top design leaders from Estonia.  

UPMADE in Estonia exhibition serves as a guiding light for the future of design. In today's world, where overconsumption leads to an abundance of waste and ephemeral products, Estonia presents efficient and creative alternatives. Rooted in centuries-old traditions, Estonians have maintained a deep connection with nature and their Northern European heritage whilst creating the world’s first 99% digital society with unparalleled Government as a Service user experience. The result is a model of a sustainable environment that is a balance of ancient practices as well as future technologies.  

This exhibition showcases the innovative spirit of Estonian designers and their contribution to a more sustainable world creating products that are not just durable but also integral to a circular economy, emphasizing the judicious use of resources and minimizing waste. Through their work, we see a commitment to the circular economy and fully digital governance.  

The exploration of how Estonia´s design contributes to sustainability unfolds in five engaging sections: 

Tradition and Craftsmanship: This part of the exhibition honours the value of enduring practices that result in long-lasting and impactful products. It is a tribute to the skilful art of craftsmanship that has been passed down from generation to generation, embodying the beauty of tradition in every creation.

Upcycling: Showcasing the inventive reuse of materials, this section highlights the role of design in giving new life to objects that might otherwise be thrown away. It is a celebration of recycling, where the end of one product's life gives birth to the beginning of another.

Recycling: Focusing on the transformative processes that turn waste into valuable new materials, this field demonstrates the possibilities of a regenerative design ecosystem where innovation leads the way to turning what was once considered trash into resources.

Biomaterials: Stepping into the realm of high-tech material science, this section presents cutting-edge materials created by completely bypassing the waste cycle, symbolizing a leap towards sustainability and recyclability.

Digital Society and Service Design: Estonia leads the way in digital democracy, pioneering cutting-edge service design and a paperless society over the past 20 years. Through initiatives like e-Residency, it showcases borderless digital citizenship, empowering entrepreneurs globally. With seamless integration of services, top-notch cybersecurity, and personalized governance, Estonia sets the standard for the future of nations.

Nomad Showcase is opened as a pop-up shop, featuring contemporary Estonian design.

PARTICIPATING BRANDS: Woola, Myceen, Reet Aus, HYTI, Kelpman textile, Johanna Ulfsak, Piret Loog, LUKS, LAURASAKS, Cervo Volante, SILE LUIK, K i l l u d, Heiter X, NüüD, Studio Raili Keiv, Elize Hiiop Jewellery, Tarmo Luisk, LUM, Filaret, By Urmas Lüüs, Karlotta, Leonardo Design, Olustvere puidukoda / Mirjam ja Markus Pärnamets, Ideeklaas, Hannah Segerkrantz (Kiukivi), Margit Terasmees, IKIGI, Kärt Summatavet, Riina O, RAIKU Bio Packaging, Andres Ansper, DiMa Estonian Academy of Arts (Sandra Luks, Argo Tamm, Cärol Ott, Reet Aus), HUUM, JALG, Krista Lehari Jewellery, Kristel Kuslapuu, SJX by Juhan Soomets, Maria Rästa Design, Arro Porcelain, Elmet Treier design, Anneli Tammik, Straipu and Radis. 

This event is a collaborative effort between the Estonian Association of Designers, the Estonian Academy of Art, and e-Residency. Supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Cultural Endowment, Enterprise Estonia, and the Consulate General of Estonia in New York, it showcases the collective commitment to fostering creativity and innovation. Curated by Ilona Gurjanova, President of the Estonian Association of Designers, and Reet Aus, PhD, an environmental activist, the exhibition’s layout, including cardboard furniture, is the creation of Tarmo Luisk, with the exposition table designed by Annike Kaldoja.

The visit of DiMa designers to New York was made possible thanks to an Erasmus+ scholarship.