Presentation of the study results: "Research and Analysis of Textile Recycling Technologies"
On the 19th of September at 11:30 a.m., the presentation of the results of the study "Research and analysis of textile recycling technologies" organized by the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Tallinn Center of the Stockholm Environmental Institute will take place. The experts prepared the study on behalf of the Ministry of Climate from September 2023 to September 2024.
At the event, experts from EKA and SEI Tallinn will provide an overview of the capabilities of the Estonian post-consumer textile recycling system and propose the best solutions and technologies for handling and recycling various textile flows in accordance with the strategic goals of the circular economy.
The presentation of the results of the study will take place in the hall on the first floor of the Estonian Academy of Arts. Pre-registered participants can also follow the event via video in the online Zoom environment.
Please register your participation HERE.
The number of places is limited, so we ask that participants register for the on-site attendance by the 13th of September at the latest and online participants by the
17th of September at the latest. The online participation link is sent only to registered participants.
The event is not recorded, so we welcome all interested parties to participate in real-time.
11.00-11.30 - Arrival and welcome coffee
11.30-11.35 - Opening remarks, Mart Kalm, Rector of the Estonian Academy of Arts
11.35-11.45 - Peep Siim, Head of the Circular Economy Department of the Ministry of Climate Change
11.45-13.30 - Presentation of the results of the study "Research and Analysis of Textile Recycling Technologies"
Part I: Overview of clothing and textile flows in Estonia
Speaker: Harri Moora, senior expert of the Tallinn Center of the Stockholm Environmental Institute
Part II: Handling used textiles and textile waste in Europe and Estonia: challenges and development opportunities
Speakers: Harri Moora, senior expert of the Tallinn Center of the Stockholm Environmental Institute and Maria Kristiin Peterson, guest lecturer of the Estonian Academy of Arts
Part III: Rings opportunities for eco-innovation in the textile field
Speaker: Reet Aus, senior researcher at the Estonian Academy of Arts
13.30-13.40 - Summary and next steps
13.40-14.30 - Coffee and free-form discussion about the results of the study
Any questions or additional information: project manager Anna Lohmatova,