Webinar "Design and processing of future textile materials"

Tallinn Entrepreneurship Centre, in cooperation with the Estonian Academy of Arts, is organising a webinar "Design and Processing of Future Textile Materials" at the "Creative Academy 2022".
On 6 December (starting at 10:00), the webinar will focus on the role of the designer as a creator and implementer of new materials in today's world, taking into account locally relevant materials and resources.
The lecture will cover:
- examples of materials created by designers in DiMa lab projects,
- new developments by materials scientists in Estonia and elsewhere,
- raw materials of the future and their processing,
-what materials mean and how they affect us in our daily lives.
Speaker: Kärt Ojavee, Research Fellow at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Head of the Biobased Materials Research Unit.
The lecture is free of charge, but please register HERE
Additional information:Krista Kink, Tallinn, Estonia
640 4225